Andreas Riechmann


Welcome to my homepage. You can contact me following the links at the right bottom of the page.
There is no real content here, I only track my Sessions on that domain.


There are 7580 Sessions tracked for 43224.27 km over a period of 9 Month 2 Days 20 Hours 1 Minutes and 10 Seconds burning 2239249 Calories (Burgers 5598.1) - that is equivalent to 1.02 times around the world or 0.11245 trips to the moon.


Recent Sessions

  No.   Date   Activity   Distance   Duration   Calories  
  7580   16.09.2024   Biking   19.77 km   00:15:23 hrs   171  
  7579   16.09.2024   Biking   19.77 km   00:15:23 hrs   171  
  7578   15.09.2024   Swimming   3.00 km   00:54:37 hrs   600  
  7577   14.09.2024   Swimming   3.00 km   00:55:33 hrs   600  
  7576   14.09.2024   Swimming   3.00 km   00:55:33 hrs   600  
  7575   13.09.2024   Swimming   3.00 km   00:55:13 hrs   600  
  7574   11.09.2024   Biking   30.31 km   00:45:32 hrs   0  
  7573   11.09.2024   Swimming   2.50 km   00:48:35 hrs   500  
  7572   11.09.2024   Biking   30.31 km   00:45:32 hrs   0  
  7571   10.09.2024   Biking   19.86 km   00:30:29 hrs   0  
  7570   10.09.2024   Swimming   1.50 km   00:28:26 hrs   300  


Older Sessions

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updated on 17-09-2024 at 09.36 o'Clock
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